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Inspire Award 2024-25

 Inspire Award 2024-25


 Inspire Award - DGE Notice: Click Here

    INSPIRE – MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge) is one of the flagship scheme of DST, Govt. of India for nurturing ideas and innovations of school students and motivate them to pursue science and a career in research, jointly implemented by DST and NIF.

Under the scheme nominations for the year 2024-25 are open, school may submit student’s original technological ideas / innovations (maximum 5) until October 15, 2024. (Extended to 15/10/2024)

Eligibility: Students studying in classes 6 to 10.

Application Link: Click Here

Mobile App: INSPIRE-MANAK App : Download

Action Points for schools:

I. Announcement: Spread the word and share the details about the technological innovation competition among students of classes 6-10 through school assemblies, notice boards, etc.

II. Idea Box: Set up an idea box where students can submit brief descriptions of his/her innovative technological ideas.

III. Selection of Best Ideas for Nominations: Organize an idea competition within the school and select the five best technological ideas/innovations based on novelty, social applicability, potential impact, and scope for diffusion.

Important: Establish the novelty of students' ideas (through web searches and checking previously submitted ideas for this competition) before submission to maximize their chances of success.

IV. U-DISE Code Verification (Mandatory): To participate, it is essential that the school's U-DISE code is up-to-date.

V. Top Five Nominations: Submit the five best nominations through the portal or app. Remember to double-check that each student's name matches exactly with the name in the bank passbook. Also, make sure to fill in the correct account number and IFSC code.

VI. Forwarding Nominations: Forward nominations to District Authority and download the acknowledgment for the further reference.

For more information, click on followings: