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VHSE Course List


Sl#Course CodeCourse Name(Vocational Subject)Other Subjects
11Agriculture Machinery Operator English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
22Assistant Offset Printing Operator English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
33Auto Service Technician English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
44Distribution Lineman English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
55Domestic Biometric Data Operator English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
66Draughtsman English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
77Electrician Domestic Solutions English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
88Fabric Checker English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
99Field Technician Air Conditioner English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1010Field Technician Computing & Peripherals English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1111Graphic Designer English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1212Inline Checker English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1313Junior Software Developer English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1414Machine Operator Assistant - Plastics Processing English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1515Optical Fiber Technician English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1616Plumber General II English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1717Solar & LED Technician (Electronics) English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
1818Assistant Fashion Designer English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
1919Vegetable Grower English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2020Baby Caregiver English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2121Beauty Therapist English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2222Dairy Processing Equipment Operator English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2323Agriculture Extension Service Provider English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2424Dairy Farmer Entrepreneur English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2525Diet Assistant English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2626Fish and Seafood Processing Technician English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2727Fishing Boat Mechanic English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2828Fitness Trainer English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
2929Floriculturist Open Cultivation English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3030Floriculturist Protected Cultivation English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3131Frontline Health Worker English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3232Gardener English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3333General Duty Assistant English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3434Medical Equipment Technician English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3535Micro Irrigation Technician English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3636Organic Grower English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3737Ornamental Fish Technician English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3838Shrimp Farmer English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
3939Small Poultry Farmer English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
4040Interior Landscaper English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology
4141Tour Guide English, Entrepreneurship Development ,History, Geography, Economics
4242Business Correspondent and Business Facilitator English,Entrepreneurship Development ,Accountancy, Business Studies,Management
4343Accounts Executive English,Entrepreneurship Development ,Accountancy, Business Studies,Management
4444Craft Baker English,Entrepreneurship Development ,Accountancy, Business Studies,Management
4545Office Operations Executive English,Entrepreneurship Development ,Accountancy, Business Studies,Management
4646Sales Associate English,Entrepreneurship Development ,Accountancy, Business Studies,Management
4747Domestic Data Entry Operator (PWD) English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Maths
4848Self Employed Tailor (PWD) English, Entrepreneurship Development , Physics, Chemistry , Biology